Right, this is another one of those silly desktop things that you order from
PD libraries, load once, think to yourself 'Wow, what a stupid program!',
and then send to the back of your disk collection, never to be seen again.
Well, you are probably reading this 'cos you thought, 'Why the hell is there
a Readme for a stupid desktop application?'. Well, you're right, there is
no need for a readme, but I couldn't miss an opportunity to waffle on to
a load of people, could I?
Well, as far as all the legal gumf goes, take this program, laugh at how
badly it was written, then do with as you please, as long as you don't charge
for it, or do any of that stuff they tell you not to on decent PD programs. The sample player is Pauls', and he says 'Don't mess with it'. So don't. You really wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of Paul 'killer' Bentley.
If you really like his sample player, send him lots of money and a nice
letter and he may have pity on you. No, seriously, he is a bloody good
programmer and he'll be nice to most people (as long as you don't mention
This program is FREE, and don't let anybody tell you it isn't.
I, on the other hand, am not a good programmer. However, I do like playing
Tetris. So there you go....
So, what is the point of !Fergus?
Well, I wrote it for a certain friend of mine, Sarah (ahhhh), who is
absolutely mad about Frogs. So, now there is one that will sit on my
desktop and croak at me, or her if she is here. To be honest, I forgot
about it for ages, and that is why it says it was written so long ago.
I was going make the pointer change to a fly when moved onto the icon, then
when clicked, Fergi would eat the fly. But I couldn't be bothered. I might
do one day, but I seriously doubt it.
Go and get a back issue of Archimedies World (October '92) and play
!JigWord. It is dead good. Paul wrote it, and I get my name mentioned.
Go and buy Tori Amos' 'Little Eathquakes' album. Without doubt the best
album ever put onto Viynl. (or tape or CD or whatever.....)
And 10,000 Maniacs are really good aswell. Thanks to Kristen for getting
me into them.....
Read 'You just don't understand' by Deborah Tannen.
Those of you with Internet access..Play on MicroMUSE. The best MUSE around,
by far.
Enough of my free advertising...
Anyway, back onto Fergus....
The croaking sounds was provided by me. It was recorded on Paul's cheap
sampler, and is played back by Pauls' sample player.
The frog was drawn by me. Don't laugh, it's not *that* bad.... It was
drawn using the daddy of all paint programs..... !PAINT
The program was (very badly) written by me, using the wonderful, all
powerful ARMBE. (what would we do without it....?)
Right, I think you've had enough of me rambling on and on and on and.....
Anyway, if you get the urge, write to me, I don't care and I like getting